Wednesday 17 December 2014

Crop training image patch (imageclipper)

Prepare imageclipper tool:
1. Download imageclipper (link) via git:
2. Install Boost and OpenCV. A prebuilt boost is available at (use correct version for corresponding platform)
3. Build imageclipper from source (CMake is required) by following the instructions here.
4. Build/Compile Project (Visual Studio for Windows)

Modify the code for square bounding box purpose:
1. Locate line 619 in the imageclipper.cpp
2. Comment line 619 and add one line:
//         param->rect.height = abs( point0.y - y );
           param->rect.height = param->rect.width;
Therefore height is always equal to width. Rebuild project after modification

Run imageclipper.exe:
1. Follow instructions explained the command usage: link
2. Create output image format (-i for video input, -v for video input):
For example, this for a video input
will create filename like:

Create a txt file for crop region:
See instructions here.

The cropping GUI should looks like this:

The region on the tool I would like to crop include:
iDot, IS_Logo, Wheel_Pin, Wheel
Please refer to Fig.4 in this paper for reference:  Appearance learning for 3D tracking of robotic surgical tools

Some examples for cropped samples: